Alright, maybe this has nothing to do with writing, but still I feel like telling you all a little more about me. Kind of.
So those of you who know me in real life know I have really long hair. Kind of. Well yeah, I do. My hair reaches below my waist, halfway to my knees. The thing is, the end are all dead and ughhhhhhh. People still love my hair, but I'm wondering if I should make a change.
I was always planning to trim my hair, but now I'm thinking of something new. Maybe I won't have super super long hair anymore. Maybe I'll make it to halfway down my back, or maybe, just maybe, less. Like between the midpoint of my back and my shoulders.
Also, I'm thinking of layers. I've had layers before, when I was nine, but my hair was really thin then so it didn't really look so good. But now my hair is much, much thicker, so maybe I'll give it another try.
And don't think I haven't received all the warnings about how much work layers are. But I already work hard on my long hair, which means washing it every day, and then blow drying it. I already do that. So don't tell me about hair work.
So basically I need an opinion. Should I cut my hair? Or should I not? I'm kind of stuck right now. Thanks!
BBL, Fira.
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