My Disloyal Followers

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yes, I can guess what you're thinking. "What the heck, it's not going to be Christmas for like a year now."

Well, let's ponder on the last Christmas we had. Or all Christmases. What is the date for it? The 25th, that's right. And what is the date today? The 25th, correct! You are now officially awes- extraordinary!

I don't know why, I just found the need to post that it's been exactly a month since one of the most treasured times of the year. Exactly one month since we received presents, exactly one month from the time when we stayed up late and woke early. Oh, happy times.

I may have also posted this bec- for the reason that I didn't have anything to post today and I want to give you more chances to earn a prize, though I've given enough.

That's enough for now, I had a difficult time avoiding forbidden words, tata!

1 comment:

Swati said...

And I am up at 3:50am, commenting on your blog. See what a wonderfully awes- dedicated mom I am ;-). Nah...I have bad acidity, and its too painful to lie down, so I'm up, waiting for the medicine to work.