Snowy Forest sucks. My worst writing. I was reading my favorite sentence out to my friend once, really stupid ones, and she agreed, this is pointless. Can I please know why everyone loves it so much? I can hardly stand to read it. Wait, take that back. I can't stand reading it. I tried once, and I was so disgusted that I just left my computer.
Can I please know what is so great about it?
My writing is pointless and embarassing, but I still write it. Like the Chuch Testa story :P
It's ok. You'll be fiiiiine.
Even your worst writing is worth something, because you learned something from it. Or so all the published authors will say. :P And I must say I agree. Looking back on how much I used to suck...it's at least nice that I can recognise my mistakes...
Okay...but why do people want me to write of it? XD
I voted for Emerald! :) XD cuz it's like the only story I've read... haha
I like Snowy Forest because it's about Warriors. However, if you have another poll I won't vote for it, since apparently you hate it....
Sorry....I just like Snowy Forest, and in my opinion,who cares if it sucks? I think Snowy Forest is good....and to me it is the story's idea that counts.....
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just keep writing. You'll get better. Have you tried any writing workshops or competitions? I've done a few. They do help a lot. I'm about to start a month long competition/woprkshop ( okay, so it isn't THAT competitive) on April first. It's called script frenzy.
~Mintwing the One and Only
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