My Disloyal Followers

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

~Insert Page Here~

I have stolen Rat's idea. Well I suppose I'm the only one who calls her Rat. I have stolen Waveclaw's idea. It may not have been her idea to begin with, but she uses it on her blog.

So, it came up that NO ONE VISITS MY PAGES and I find that disappointing, since all of your blogs, the ones I follow and regularly check up on, people always visit the pages and comment on them. I've also noticed I am the person who receives the least comments. Any suggestions on how I can change that? I like comments. It makes a blog look popular.

So, maybe if I put up some sign saying that this page has been updated, you will go see that one, and maybe, possibly comment? So I will put the ~ ~ on every page I have recently updated, and allow you to just check that one. After one week, or maybe less, I'll take it off. I'll try not to update multiple times in the same time period.

So yes. I will soon be updating. Watch out!


Optimistic4ever said...

All right. I shall be on the lookout for that then :)

Fira Marine said...

Did you see it? XD

Connie said...

I see the Celadon one. Now I get what your updating system is....

Fira Marine said...

Yup! ;)