My Disloyal Followers

Friday, December 28, 2012


You know how I said you probably won't here many dreams from me? Well I actually got my dream from last night written down, surprisingly. Here goes. And excuse the horrid writing, because I wrote this in the morning the moment I woke up before I could forget it.

  I got in the car and pulled on a gray cardigan over my yellow dress. The car started, and my dad was driving it. I think we were driving to school, but I didn't really recognize the roads, not that I cared.
  "Oh no," I said. "I'm wearing this dress. Normally I don't like wearing dresses to school."
  He gave me am exasperated look.
  "It doesn't matter. Oh well," I said, before he could say anything. "Besides, it's not as if I haven't worn this to school before." That, was true. I had worn it only just last Friday only with my leather jacket on top. I prefer that jacket with this dress instead of the cardigan, but too late now.
  The car stopped outside a normal looking house, other than the door, which was in the shape of a circle, was open, and there was a green screen door instead. "Is this where you need to go?" my dad asked.
  "Yes," I replied, just as the car doors unlocked. "I'm going to Bilbo's place for tea." I saw no one behind the screen, so I asked, a little worriedly, "I hope this is the right house." Because, usually at parties, there is always someone in every corner of the house.
  "Yes it is." As my dad replied, I remembered again that the door was open, and noticed shoes and coats outside.
  "Okay." I got out of the car. I walked up to the house, opened the door, and hesitantly walked inside.
  It was a large, open room, shaped with many walls, bookshelves on some, open doorways on others.  In one corner, there was a table, with Bilbo himself working in something. He greeted me, and I greeted back, before noticing a large party table and bustling people through one of the open doorways. I went there, and found myself surrounded by many faces, about half of them familiar. The normal family friends, the neighbors, the usual little kid from every family. I took my spot in the last seat available.
  They served rice and a few Indian foods that I normally eat, which I didn't find strange at all, so I ate it. I lifted the skirt of my dress a little, which was now a princessish blue one, toad just myself on my seat a little better. Then, just as someone walked behind me, I. Somehow lost my balance and fell backwards from the chair, which was a little more like a stool.
  After that, there was some weird narrator voice talking about how that was a life lesson or something, I had no clue what it was talking about.

And yeah, that's it. Then there was this huge bang somewhere in our house, which woke up up pretty early. None of us could figure out what had caused it. I think it was the people breaking in to steal me off for some epic adventure like in all the stories, but they must have left after making such a racket. Guess I don't get my adventure.


Kayla Anne said...

LOL aw Nat. You had me intrigued there. Maybe the Bang was foreshadowing for your impending kidnapping.... ;)

Fira Marine said... better be an interesting kidnapping though. It had better involve swords. XP

Audrey Jones said...

Something I've never understood...dreams are supposed to reflect what you're thinking about, I thought, but then I once dreamed about red and blue mole-like creatures that move really slowly invading my fifth grade classroom... and I'm certain that's never even crossed my mind before XD

Connie said...

I agree with Audrey, most of my dreams have nothing to do with what I'm thinking about. I like the new pictures on top of your blog, and the background is pretty too.

Fira Marine said...

Haha I dream about completely random things. This is the first time I've actually dreamed about something that I've read and watched. Most of the time though, I can't remember my dreams. And thanks Connie!