My Disloyal Followers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Writing competition finale

Okay. I know I never said what big finale we are going to have for the contest winners. And I didn't say because at first I hadnno clue what to do. When I figured out, I got too lazy. Sorry!

 Now finally: Our two finalists, WAVECLAW and OPTIMISTIC4EVER, will think of some memorable event that has happened in their lives. They will come up with a paragraph for each the setting, characters, expository, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Then I will ask them both to email me their setting paragraph.

After that, I will be using my friends and both of the finalists to contribute their own section of their event they want to share. It is difficult to explain, so I will email our two winners personally the instructions. If you want to participate in this also, then either comment on this post or email me.

Do not inform me through the chat box or personally, because I will be likely to forget to include you. I will be accepting helpers to contribute their own story to me until Sunday, one week from now, which is when I will send out the instructions for how to play the finale.

I'm looking forward to doing what I had once been part of two years ago! Trust me, it is a LOT of fun.


Iris said...


Connie said...

I don't get it.....but I'm not a finalist, so am I not included? But you said "if you want to participate in this contest..." I am very confused...

Anonymous said...

i dont get it but i never participated so i is good

Fira Marine said...

I don't appreciate the I don't care attitude. -__-

Connie said...

Sorry if I offended you, I just didn't really understand the competition...

Fira Marine said...

Sorry, not you. :P Basically, you can participate to help me with giving them their task. I'll email the details on Sunday.

Iris said...

KK YOU BETTER! jUst kidding :) BUT STILL email me! :)

Optimistic4ever said...

Ok... so we wait till Sunday. Gotcha!

Fira Marine said...

Yep. Of course. XD