My Disloyal Followers

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Forgotten Warrior

So I wrote a book...about cats...about Warriors...called The Forgotten Jk. Just kidding. As you could probably tell, unless you're more gullible than I expected.

Anyway, that, unfortunately, is not what I come here for. Instead, I come to share my opinion of the book and discuss it with you all.


Note that if you have not read the book yet, and you read this post, you may come across a few spoilers. Just a thought. You know, I may be wrong. I happen to love spoilers, as it let's me know what I want, but most people I know are not so grateful when I tell them something big.

So, after reading this, I've come to a few conclusions. Well. Not really conclusions, more like thoughts.

1. I <3 Jayfeather. Always have.
2. We were right. The forgotten warrior was Hollyleaf.
3. So Sol is back. What the heck? I never liked him, not even as a villain.
4. Tigerheart is still as hot as ever.
5. I love the new Jayfeather killing Flametail as Dawnpelt says so and Tigerheart agrees with twist!
6. Although I like it, I have a few problems.
7. I still <3 Jayfeather. Like, immensely.
8. Who the heck does Dawnpelt think she is? I mean, the thing with me is that I always see from the point of view the main character sees. So although I like the plot, I have issues with Dawnpelt. Great issues.
9. And Tigerheart? I though he liked Dovewing! He can't agree with Dawnpelt! I mean, he tried to warn ThunderClan, and then he sides against him? Not cool.
10. I <3 Jayfeather.
11. Tigerheart is still hot.
12. Hollyleaf...well I'm glad she's back, although I wish there were more thoughts, feelings about her. From Jayfeather. I like complications. His relationship with his sister needs to be complicated in my opinion.
13. I want to discuss! Talk with me please!


So yeah...not very insightful or anything, I just thought of some points I wanted to get out. Anger, love, etc. Well a little less on the love, that was more out of silliness. Not that I don't like Jayfeather and can't decide between him and Tigerheart. I mean, they're both pretty cool in their own ways, right?

Well, that's it, unless I feel the need to say more. Comment! Or chat in the Cbox! As long as there is some response!

Fira out.


Minty TOAO said...

OOH. I want this book SO BAD but my mom is making me wait til Christamas. I haven't read a Warriors book in about a year. I fly thogugh them. I've been looking for spoilers. Is this book any better than the previous four books that I have forgotten the names of? I thought that those were a bit too boring and I'm still getting used to the whole "Powers" thing... I laugh when I should cry and vise versa... I have had a weird viewing point on these books since The Sight... -.-

squid said...

I NEED that book! D: I didn't even know if it was out yet or not. I guess I'll have to just buy it, because the waiting list at my library is HUGE.

I agree, Tigerheart is hottt! <33 and I love Jayfeather tooo! ^ ^ But, I can't believe Blossomfall and BIRCHFALL are training in the Dark Forest. @.@ And, I'm kind of happy that Hollyleaf is back, and she survived. ^_^ And those cats at the gathering who accuse Jay of killing Flametail? >:c


P.S. Will follow this blog ;D you seem like a cool person c:

Fira Marine said...

Minty: I think this book was way better. And the twist with Jayfeather? It adds serious interest to the book. It's really, really good. The other four weren't that great compared to it.

Megan: Hi! Welcome to my blog! And that's for following! I have a nook, so I always buy it the day it comes out. And cool we have similar taste! XD Blossomfall I'm not too fond of. (Don't blow off on me if you think I'm a Millie lover cause I don't like either of them)but I really don't like Birchfall training in the DF. I don't love Hollyleaf but I'm glad she's back. And the cats who accused Jay-Jay? They're cool. Because the twist is really good in my opinion.

Thanks for reading, both of you!