So first, explanations. I would say I haven't been online too much since I last posted, which is true, but it isn't an explanation for why I didn't post something when I was online, however rare that might have been. My true reason for my absence is not something I am proud of, but is the only excuse I can come up with. This is a writing blog, but if you noticed, I haven't posted my writing that I'm actually serious about, save Celadon. But the Emerald I have been working on is on a Google Document, and the one you see here right now is one of my earlier attempts at getting the story started. But now I am really working with Emerald, having almost com up with the entire plot line and working on all the small details I had never known I would need to know. And I'm not entirely keen on sharing it. For one, this is a blog, open to anyone. Therefore, anyone can steal my work, something I would rather not have happen. And two, what if I actually meet my goal of publishing the book? I wouldn't want everyone to have already seen it. That's why I haven't been posting Emerald here.
The reason I haven't posted other things either, is because I'm putting my full effort into the story. And so whenever I have been online, I've been on the document and not on here. Of course, I would come to check if anyone commented or chatted in the Cbox, but not to post. Speaking of which, I'm disappointed to see that none of the things I mentioned in the line above had been done while I was gone. No comments on even my latest post! Back to the original point, I am sorry for ignoring you. I see all of these blogs dying, I see so many people getting so engrossed in other things that they forget about their blogs, and I don't want to be like them. I will make it a point that no matter how busy I am, I will always try to post here as often as I can.
On to other news, last night I started reading Lord of the Rings. My dad had read it long ago, and as he had handed the book heavy enough to weight life with to me, he warned me. "The first hundred and fifty pages are all description and are difficult to get through. After that though,you can't put the book down." I am proud to say that last night I read up till the second page of the prologue, then put it down, thinking, It's too late at night. I should sleep. Of course I didn't put it down out of boredom or anything like that. I was much too fascinated by how hobbits were shorter than dwarves to even think of the word "bored". You don't know how immensely reluctant I had been to set the book down on my nightstand and drift off to sleep, my mind whirling with thoughts of Emerald.
I had better luck this morning. I woke up, and after I failed to pass into the land of dreams again, I figured I would give Lord of the Rings another try. I picked up where I left off. Hobbits were indeed shorter than dwarves. I continued on, my mind fresh from the restful night I had had, and and I am happy to announce that I passed page forty.
Again switching to another topic, last night was amazing. My dad had told us at around five in the evening, that there would be a stargazing event not too far from our house. It was amazing. Am I being a bit repetitive? Of course the moon was too bright to actually see anything, but still, looking through the telescopes and seeing stars, star clusters, Saturn, and planetary nebulae was an amazing experience. I am so glad that I learned some astronomy last year in eighth grade science, and I had the slightest clue what these guys were talking about.
Now, would you like some writing? Keep in mind that I am posting out of guilt, and so I am making this up on the spot for you to read. It won't be very good writing. It's an Emerald scene that would came much later into the story than I am currently at, where Fira, Aqua, and Windel meet Alec for the first time.
Fira glanced between Alec and Ethan, still comprehending what stood in front of her. Or more like, who stood in front of her. Alec was her boyfriend on Earth, what was he doing on Emerald? And why did he seem to be glaring at Ethan? She had always known Spencer hadn't like Alec, but this was beyond strange.
"Alec," Ethan snarled. "Why are you here? Go back to your own little planet."
Alec acknowledged Ethan with a nod. Then he turned to face the others with an expression of curiosity. "Oh, I just was interested in meeting the new magic users. His blue eyes swept Aqua and Windel up and down, then they fell on Fira, where they lingered for much longer before he faced Ethan again. "Is that really so terrible of a crime?"
"You invade. And now you should leave, before I - we, force you to," Ethan amended.
Alec shrugged. "As you wish."
Fira watched on, still confused, but when she saw him make an attempt to leave, she stepped forward. "Wait." She paused, then asked, "What is going on here?"
She thought she saw Alec's face twist into a hard smile, slightly cruel. That wasn't the Alec she knew. He was always light-hearted, and fun, with never a hint of aggressiveness in him. "I see you haven't told them about me," he laughed. "Very well then. I'll do the honors." He took a step forward, ten introduced himself. "My name is Alec. You may already know me, but what you probably didn't know is that I am one of the major leaders of Sapphire, and I am now your enemy and you should probably never talk to me again, and that now your life will be devoted to destroying mine, and vice versa. And you are?" Throughout his entire speech, his gaze bore into Fira.
"That's enough." Ethan took a step forward. "I ask nicely of you again. Leave."
"Fine," Alec shrugged again, appearing nonchalant in his posture, though his eyes never left Fira's face. They seemed intent, as if he were trying to tell her something. Finally, he asked, "May I have a word?"
Ethan looked ready to force him away, but Fira stepped in. "Of course," she said, moving a few steps closer to him. "What do you want?"
All aspects of his former mood vanished when he looked down at her. "I just wanted to tell you, I am so sorry. Sorry for everything that I am about to do. And that I never wanted this," he whispered, so that only she could hear. Then he took a few steps backward, almost staggering. "Then I leave now," he announced to all four of them. "I hope to never see you again." With that, he vanished.
And then, the ground erupted.
Well, that's it. I warned you, this would be terrible. I'm afraid to even read it again, terrified of what horrid writing I might find in it. But unfortunately, it is all I can offer right now, so it will have to suffice. I will be working on my wallpapers for Connie and Waveclaw, which I will post soon. Enjoy!